Yes Paju and rizks make every thread "Rizks and Pajju...
no doubt rizky its from Bajju, now you can take off his...
NO Visper madame, I will vote you as Miss hijacker.....
ohh.. sorry Rizks but.. I got that as gift ;)
My vote for Bajju and Visper
Snowing ??? where where ?
No Rain..........
hahahahahha Walla you pajjmon..nice one poda
Congrat Greeker!
Yes Paju and rizks make every thread "Rizks and Pajju...
no doubt rizky its from Bajju, now you can take off his...
NO Visper madame, I will vote you as Miss hijacker.....
ohh.. sorry Rizks but.. I got that as gift ;)
...My vote for Bajju and Visper
Snowing ??? where where ?
No Rain..........
hahahahahha Walla you pajjmon..nice one poda
...Congrat Greeker!