nail on the head, Azi!...
"(Mod Note: This is the MAIN FORUM. Please try to...
nomerci, you're not lost... apparently, some are.....
soniya, no. i was referring to the thread title....
that's utter BS....
one should always think lots of times first before...
FU, there is nothing wrong with the thread, it serves...
bye bye ms bitterness! till your next reincarnation.. :...
total users with negative points: 1 .. now who...
hey i love the carebears.. :P...
nail on the head, Azi!
"(Mod Note: This is the MAIN FORUM. Please try to...
nomerci, you're not lost... apparently, some are.....
soniya, no. i was referring to the thread title....
that's utter BS.
one should always think lots of times first before...
FU, there is nothing wrong with the thread, it serves...
bye bye ms bitterness! till your next reincarnation.. :...
total users with negative points: 1
.. now who...
hey i love the carebears.. :P