Colt, there's one near The Centre, I forgot the name...
Rndm, I think she'll get it right on the second test...
kuquels, I sent you a PM..
Colt, Asian Traditional is near the TV R/A..
Rndm_QL_Mmber, I said "if".. :P
Rizks, she can do the test a million times if she wants...
Colt45, try the Asian Traditional...
lol, I better bring lots then...
ewww Rizks... he meant she will do a urine test again...
for me, nothing beats my mom's cooking... my friend Sai...
Colt, there's one near The Centre, I forgot the name...
Rndm, I think she'll get it right on the second test...
kuquels, I sent you a PM..
Colt, Asian Traditional is near the TV R/A..
...Rndm_QL_Mmber, I said "if".. :P
Rizks, she can do the test a million times if she wants...
Colt45, try the Asian Traditional...
lol, I better bring lots then...
ewww Rizks... he meant she will do a urine test again...
for me, nothing beats my mom's cooking... my friend Sai...