can't blame her for not wanting to go back....
drmana, consider that as part of my welcome for you...
drmana, "homo milk = homogenized milk...
deepb, as Colt said, you stick up for yourself... :P...
oh for Pete's sake deepb, stop whining and let drmana...
lol drmana, what a thread to mark your comeback eh...
lol Dr. Mana, guilty as charged... :P Welcome...
pass 'em some chill pill Colt... :P
lol deepb.. :P Colt, as what you have said before...
you use grocery bags as garbage bags. -- don't we all...
can't blame her for not wanting to go back....
...drmana, consider that as part of my welcome for you...
"homo milk = homogenized milk
deepb, as Colt said, you stick up for yourself... :P...
oh for Pete's sake deepb, stop whining and let drmana...
lol drmana, what a thread to mark your comeback eh...
lol Dr. Mana, guilty as charged... :P
pass 'em some chill pill Colt... :P
lol deepb.. :P
Colt, as what you have said before...
you use grocery bags as garbage bags. -- don't we all...