lovemee, shall I bring cake? ;)
I missed it...
seriously WK.. :P
lovemee, so you are 100% confirmed on Thursday?...
another newbie,.. welcome to QL!!
don't bother Rizks, nobody's laughing anyway.. :P...
this definitely tops my "worst jokes ever" list... :P...
Rabbit, good questions.. now we just need FU to provide...
am I the only one not laughing... :/
Happy birthday lovemee! :D
lovemee, shall I bring cake? ;)
I missed it...
seriously WK.. :P
lovemee, so you are 100% confirmed on Thursday?...
another newbie,.. welcome to QL!!
don't bother Rizks, nobody's laughing anyway.. :P...
this definitely tops my "worst jokes ever" list... :P...
Rabbit, good questions.. now we just need FU to provide...
am I the only one not laughing... :/
Happy birthday lovemee! :D