It's not Burj Dubai anymore . It's Burj Khaleefa...
It's illegal to use fire crackers for personal use here...
Many many happy returns of the day UkEng .
just by hearing the words said by the people ( old and...
Brazilian jiu jitsu right ?
Will pass their...
Merry Christmas to all , espc. to Maza .
Is that worth buying ?
As far as I know there are no shops which rent...
Many many happy returns of the day ..... Enjoy ......
only 3 weeks left .
It's not Burj Dubai anymore . It's Burj Khaleefa...
It's illegal to use fire crackers for personal use here...
Many many happy returns of the day UkEng .
just by hearing the words said by the people ( old and...
Brazilian jiu jitsu right ?
Will pass their...
Merry Christmas to all , espc. to Maza .
Is that worth buying ?
As far as I know there are no shops which rent...
Many many happy returns of the day ..... Enjoy ......
only 3 weeks left .