All the Deep Junarc
kiss on the first date or...
HHHmm.... ok guys where are you??
Cheers all...
Of course BIG Pajju
Sex with Lights or without...
Wet kiss (with tongue) or no tongue...
High Tide
Brief or Boxer...
Dumber - hehehehehe.. nice MJ
Land or Sea...
MotoGP or F1 race...
Mistress or lover...
1. Winter 2. Hollywood 3. Smooth body
1. ExraMarital Affair 2. pills or condom - NONE...
All the Deep Junarc
kiss on the first date or...
HHHmm.... ok guys where are you??
Cheers all...
Of course BIG Pajju
Sex with Lights or without...
Wet kiss (with tongue) or no tongue...
High Tide
Brief or Boxer...
Dumber - hehehehehe.. nice MJ
Land or Sea...
MotoGP or F1 race...
Mistress or lover...
1. Winter
...2. Hollywood
3. Smooth body
1. ExraMarital Affair
2. pills or condom - NONE...