I agree that very young children pick it up from...
We all swore as kids, we were just careful not to get...
Sorry sweety, you cant increase your height, and even...
There is a link on the MOI site, I cant remember what...
Lol, yes, I said thank you, it gives my brand new car...
Dont even talk Da, someone hit my car yesterday and ran...
Ah Darude... long time...... insiteful comment....
Cant find the QL post, you can dig it up yourself but...
It will take some hunting, it was a while back, it was...
Hmm, DMS, I do recall there being one "funny" posted a...
I agree that very young children pick it up from...
We all swore as kids, we were just careful not to get...
Sorry sweety, you cant increase your height, and even...
There is a link on the MOI site, I cant remember what...
Lol, yes, I said thank you, it gives my brand new car...
Dont even talk Da, someone hit my car yesterday and ran...
Ah Darude... long time...... insiteful comment.
Cant find the QL post, you can dig it up yourself but...
It will take some hunting, it was a while back, it was...
Hmm, DMS, I do recall there being one "funny" posted a...