LOL Tigasin....hahahaha
Scotiabank, for the love...
LOL dweller
"Quit hanging on to the handrails...
scotiabank, why am I emotional? Because I disagreed...
Scotiabank just has it ALL figured out. I think Iv had...
I get what you're saying Mis-Cat, I wasnt really...
Mis-Cat and just for good measure, quoting from your...
Mis-Cat we read it already...geez! Can I get you...
kenyaqueen, thanks for clearing that up...and may I...
Mis-Cat, like I said Iv read the entire article.
"Quit hanging on to the...
LOL Tigasin....hahahaha
Scotiabank, for the love...
LOL dweller
"Quit hanging on to the handrails...
scotiabank, why am I emotional? Because I disagreed...
Scotiabank just has it ALL figured out. I think Iv had...
I get what you're saying Mis-Cat, I wasnt really...
Mis-Cat and just for good measure, quoting from your...
Mis-Cat we read it already...geez! Can I get you...
kenyaqueen, thanks for clearing that up...and may I...
Mis-Cat, like I said Iv read the entire article.
"Quit hanging on to the...