hi Superwoman, can u share a littile of ur superpower,...
heart, my, in, deep . . . ....
oh, watta a car brit!!!
OH, now what? . . . .
Woman has Man in it; Mrs. has Mr . in it;...
if u want to be skinny, boston's idea;)
dancing also helps. . . . ....
DaRude, tell Brit to buy me (black) one.
Hello, Good morning, Merry Christmas..... ....
hi Superwoman, can u share a littile of ur superpower,...
heart, my, in, deep
oh, watta a car brit!!!
...OH, now what?
Woman has Man in it;
Mrs. has Mr . in it;
if u want to be skinny, boston's idea;)
...dancing also helps.
DaRude, tell Brit to buy me (black) one.
...Hello, Good morning, Merry Christmas.....