merry christmas!!...
sand, i will pm u my address for the delivery of my...
hhhhmmmm sand merry christmas...
hmmmm happy...merry christmas...
Prog./Sand/happy “Got one computer...
sandee maybe the network always down ....
the men with hundreds of back-ups sandee, every file...
progression, what i know about (some) QL men is...
then tell me about men progression...
of course i wont..but give me one plssss.......
merry christmas!!
sand, i will pm u my address for the delivery of my...
hhhhmmmm sand merry christmas...
hmmmm happy...merry christmas...
Prog./Sand/happy “Got one computer...
sandee maybe the network always down
the men with hundreds of back-ups sandee, every file...
progression, what i know about (some) QL men is...
then tell me about men progression
of course i wont..but give me one plssss.......