i'll kill you. am i funny? hmm. im thinking of other...
i will tie your hands and break your fingers if you...
ha! can you guess what i want then? if all men...
oh c'mooooooon! .. not again, smooth talker, flirty...
awww.. so sad no one knows the song.. :)
is the world really coming to an end? :P
i know, right? hahaha.
hey, dont hi-jack my...
dont. it will tire you out.
..ReaLitY haS a WaY...
lol @ edifis .. maybe cuz they're showing their bellies...
ok, whyteknight. i'll let you see me, when i learn how...
i'll kill you. am i funny? hmm. im thinking of other...
i will tie your hands and break your fingers if you...
ha! can you guess what i want then?
if all men...
oh c'mooooooon! .. not again, smooth talker, flirty...
awww.. so sad no one knows the song.. :)
is the world really coming to an end? :P
i know, right? hahaha.
hey, dont hi-jack my...
dont. it will tire you out.
..ReaLitY haS a WaY...
lol @ edifis .. maybe cuz they're showing their bellies...
ok, whyteknight. i'll let you see me, when i learn how...