If I just said that at the beginning this thread wouldn...
LOL. I know I showed some cleavage yesterday. No...
Did he really do her a favour though Mehnis? Frankly I...
Honestly Deepb it's still kind of unbelievable. I wake...
He already has abandoned his girlfriend flor. He just...
Soniya, the groom isn't on QL, so only the people I...
ROFLMAO!!!!! Do I have to be naked when I do all of...
I just feel bad for the girl deepb, and all the other...
Out of sight out of mind Azzy. She's back in the...
I find it funny that with the exception of Alumnar only...
If I just said that at the beginning this thread wouldn...
LOL. I know I showed some cleavage yesterday. No...
Did he really do her a favour though Mehnis? Frankly I...
Honestly Deepb it's still kind of unbelievable. I wake...
He already has abandoned his girlfriend flor. He just...
Soniya, the groom isn't on QL, so only the people I...
ROFLMAO!!!!! Do I have to be naked when I do all of...
I just feel bad for the girl deepb, and all the other...
Out of sight out of mind Azzy. She's back in the...
I find it funny that with the exception of Alumnar only...