No choice today. CD player is broken. We were stuck...
Yaksbunt, just google unlock codes for .... Whatever...
I can't listen to it anymore. It's a disgrace to Qatar...
I find the rent prices pretty reasonable. But yes, the...
I had a dream Michael Jordan was coming to Doha last...
Yaksbunt, buy a phone from Rogers (cause you need the...
Yes I understood what you meant, but my point remains...
Rehanbutt you stated that their were abundant fossils...
Rehanbutt, humans didn't evolve in Aisa or Europe, they...
I don't even think most literary critics care what Dan...
No choice today. CD player is broken. We were stuck...
Yaksbunt, just google unlock codes for .... Whatever...
I can't listen to it anymore. It's a disgrace to Qatar...
I find the rent prices pretty reasonable. But yes, the...
I had a dream Michael Jordan was coming to Doha last...
Yaksbunt, buy a phone from Rogers (cause you need the...
Yes I understood what you meant, but my point remains...
Rehanbutt you stated that their were abundant fossils...
Rehanbutt, humans didn't evolve in Aisa or Europe, they...
I don't even think most literary critics care what Dan...