I have never written an "about me". Boredom can be a great source of inspiration...
I am not very easily irratated by people.. they amuse me...sometimes normal people kinda bore me... I like a little chaos in my life but I don't like tension or drama.... I will be the first one to back off on fights, not becasue i'm a sissy ... i just dont want that...
I tend to be shy on the first few meetings...n i hate crowds... i dont talk a lot when i am in a huge group... i like small groups of friends u know... really good friends... thats when i think i am like myself the most....
I daydream a lot… hours i should be spending on homeworks or studies is lost on daydreaming...sometimes, during the exam i stop midway coz i get too bored.. n start thinkin about something else....sometimes it happens when someone is talkin to me....I keep nodding to a person even when I’m not listening... I just get distracted..... i think thats why i have trouble getting sleep...everytime i hit the bed i start picturing scenes in my head...random things...
oh n even though i like sleeping i dont really sleep a whole lot... ive even gone without sleeping two whole nights a coupla times....
I act crazy a lot, unless there is need for me to be serious. A lot of people consider me to be irrespsonsible, but i can be responsible when I need to be.
I can laugh at pretty much anything... some think i'm very insensitive becoz of that... but i am very sensitive... jokin around is just another way for me to deal with things... has helped me a lot....I like to help people when theyre down...i like to make em smile...so jokin around is just to make them feel better... but u know it backfires and some people might think i'm being a dick....and humour is a big part of my life too...I keep thinking of humorous twists on things..
im a really good liar ... not when it really matter though... u know,i dont really lie when i could actually gain anything by it.....i just lie about the strangest things....just random things...Like, i told my friend that the teacher told me she was goin to fail him because he doesnt seem interested...n the poor guy was depressed the whole hour... i kinda felt sorry for him so i told him i was just kidding... but most of the time... i just go along with it...
once when i was running across a sand pit my friend atif who was practicing long jump crashed into me... i think i hallucinated then... i saw stuff that wasnt there for a couple of minutes... oh yeah he is kinda big... apart from that lil experience i have never been completely stoned or high or whatever...
I’ve smoked three cigarette in my whole life.
oh n I have a very bad memory...sometimes i walk into a room n wonder what im doing there....i use the same password everywhere... if i cant, i make lil changes n write it down somewhere....
I've lived in a new pair of jeans for a whole month...until it wasnt new anymore and started to "crack".
I can't make out differences between coke and pepsi like people say they can.
i think pineapple topping on icecream is icky...unless its pineapple flavoured ice cream...My mom puts it on everything...eww...
Sometimes when i used to go swimming at Ramada i was scared sharks would come n attack me from the deep area... but i did think it would be really cool if it happened....
i have three major scars from accidents as a kid... n theyre all on my head...my eyebrow... my lip n the top of my head... i wonder if those has ever affected me as a person...
3 people who didnt know each other have said i reminded them of chandler bing for some reason...
I like playing with action figures...n i think theyre cool so bugger off...
I just found out i dont have a signature laugh... im tryin to construct one...
I like doing crosswords...
aaaand im not bored anymore...
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