Tats the lyricsto yr original??? Maybe can improvise...
You got me in your list now Buddy
Nope Darude! Made my application once. Should I do it...
Darude dude...................I am still not a member...
YESSSSSS hazli.......Ini dia the kinda spirits...
CIp doall the changing at Summit Subang Jaya. Go to...
Macam mana nak cukup????? Datang sini dah berangan2 nak...
You sounded very disillusion! I am not seeing any...
Kalau ada Computer guna JUSTVOIP je......tipon Talian...
Tats the lyricsto yr original??? Maybe can improvise...
You got me in your list now Buddy
Nope Darude! Made my application once. Should I do it...
Darude dude...................I am still not a member...
YESSSSSS hazli.......Ini dia the kinda spirits...
CIp doall the changing at Summit Subang Jaya. Go to...
Macam mana nak cukup????? Datang sini dah berangan2 nak...
You sounded very disillusion! I am not seeing any...
Kalau ada Computer guna JUSTVOIP je......tipon Talian...