Too expensive, and I got an Ipod Touch 2G that I've...
eastern European traditions of leaving notes are...
You're a sicko, or a troll.
All muslim men are...
That there, trade unions, socialism, worker's rights......
you don't like Dio=you don't like Metal :P
Don't you worry about Gadhafi, he's got kids a plenty,...
birds of a feather flock together ;)
Hitler was...
Fine comparisons you are trying to make, Islamic...
on the 14 brothers lost recently to the savages who...
Too expensive, and I got an Ipod Touch 2G that I've...
eastern European traditions of leaving notes are...
You're a sicko, or a troll.
All muslim men are...
That there, trade unions, socialism, worker's rights......
you don't like Dio=you don't like Metal :P
Don't you worry about Gadhafi, he's got kids a plenty,...
birds of a feather flock together ;)
Hitler was...
Fine comparisons you are trying to make, Islamic...
on the 14 brothers lost recently to the savages who...