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Member since: September 2007

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For 7000k you can't survive here. Think before making...

I got an job offer for 7000 qr without accomodation and other transport facilities,can i take the offer 15 years 8 months

This will work for SWINE FLU also??????????.

Precaution is better than Cure SHAJIV 15 years 9 months

I think you must get around 15 to 20 thousand qatar...

How much is a reasonably good offer for a DCE-1985,B.E.Civil-2008 Civil Engineer with 24 yrs india exp only 15 years 9 months

Why you are getting so nervous about my answer? It...

Gandhi... SHAJIV 15 years 11 months

In first place why you wanted to know about India man?...

Gandhi... SHAJIV 15 years 11 months

Just see in classified section, you can find a lot...

Urgently wanted for rent (1bedroom furnished) 15 years 11 months

See below, this will be a suitable post for him. Just...

One of my colleque is a post grauate in Civil in a level of Project Manager. Is any job oppurunity for him. 15 years 11 months

I think you are looking for a detailed leave...

Anobody can give me Sample Of Vacation Leave letter? 15 years 11 months

I would suggest you to consider it seriously, at your...

Opinions and advices needed for my job offer SHAJIV 15 years 11 months

Most of the time it should be both ways. Better check...

According to Qatar labor law after complate 2 year who will pay two way travel ticket company or workers? 15 years 11 months
