there's a great female magician in the Philippine...
u need to verify if the clinic is accredited by qatar...
we need actual proof of your gender before endorsing to...
look fabulous by wearing onion-skinned shirts &...
bring American goods from England
come to doha & try your fortune
Try thru the backdoor - swimming across the Arabian Sea...
i will offer free mobile calls to any place on earth...
go inside your bedroom, it's much safer
that is what the script says ..............
there's a great female magician in the Philippine...
u need to verify if the clinic is accredited by qatar...
we need actual proof of your gender before endorsing to...
look fabulous by wearing onion-skinned shirts &...
bring American goods from England
come to doha & try your fortune
Try thru the backdoor - swimming across the Arabian Sea...
i will offer free mobile calls to any place on earth...
go inside your bedroom, it's much safer
that is what the script says ..............