the black prince

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Member since: October 2007

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Corn...........lived and worked there for 2 years...

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month

Anything beats Paris...........that aint hard

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month

Corn............very romantic, I mean the industrial...

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month

yeah lol Scarlett.........thats cheating really I think...

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month

now be careful jauntie.............some peole might "be...

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month

yeah was sad in the hijacked by the...

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month
Post was the pedophile sure...

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month

love the chess board..........thats new

what engineers do when they retire... the black prince 17 years 1 month

so was I................and have a nice day too...

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month

as you can see Jauntie by the first answer..............

Hi Folks! I had a WONDERFUL week in Oman, but how has it been here on QL, what have I missed? the black prince 17 years 1 month
