Interesting to see as I predicted this has turned into...
that Lady/Princess Di ws hated in some newspapers and...
they will nee therapy in a big way and one of the ways...
You said...The hate here is you lot towards Islam. You...
How true, people think we are blind to what is...
I think fatter people have to make out they are...
I used to work in Child Protection, my PhD was in Child...
I have already said in previous threads that I think...
No the UK is not a secular state at all! The Queen is...
To make people use it, as any ad campaign would and for...
Interesting to see as I predicted this has turned into...
that Lady/Princess Di ws hated in some newspapers and...
they will nee therapy in a big way and one of the ways...
You said...The hate here is you lot towards Islam. You...
How true, people think we are blind to what is...
I think fatter people have to make out they are...
I used to work in Child Protection, my PhD was in Child...
I have already said in previous threads that I think...
No the UK is not a secular state at all! The Queen is...
To make people use it, as any ad campaign would and for...