Instead of shirts lets all drink the least popular most...
The dry cleaner is a 2 day turn around so you mean I...
Pink is not too common in Qatar. Just say 7 ish out by...
I just wore the pink shirt out last night, you are...
A user with the name BBKSIU, he always needs to be made...
Cleavage and tall heels....
could make for some...
I don't miss home at all and am in no way hurt by your...
Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?Must be...
For those of us sticking around .....How about Sunday...
Sheika Liana with a glass of wine and an aussie accent...
Instead of shirts lets all drink the least popular most...
The dry cleaner is a 2 day turn around so you mean I...
Pink is not too common in Qatar. Just say 7 ish out by...
I just wore the pink shirt out last night, you are...
A user with the name BBKSIU, he always needs to be made...
Cleavage and tall heels....
could make for some...
I don't miss home at all and am in no way hurt by your...
Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?Must be...
For those of us sticking around .....How about Sunday...
Sheika Liana with a glass of wine and an aussie accent...