new Qatar National LIbrary announced
By postmodernman •
New details have been announced about the new Qatar National Library, including information about what features will be offered in the high-tech building.
See the full article at
and visit the website of the library at
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A library? It's about time. How could a city this large not have a single library?
Library is NOT in the priority list of Qatar :(
Who knows Bachus. They only got as far as starting on the podium before work was halted and never resumed.
There were also plans for a magnificent photography museum designed by Calatrava to open as well, but that never happened either.
Let's hope that this time they actually build these projects instead of just talking about it.
I believe it was originally meant to be completed in 2008.
I really wish that they had finished building the last Qatar National Library, which started on the Corniche next to the Post Office but was cancelled.
It's a much more amazing design!
To be ready by 2014, why so long?
you can see a live feed of the construction process at the website. It's actually going to be a public library as well.
Yes, but this has been announced and the ground broken many, many times. Well done of it is for real this time.