CID contact details
hi to all!
just want to ask, if any body knows where i can contact a CID agent because i need to complain something.
thanks and regards
EDIT: Realeted links for lodging a complaint:
i have a complaint can somebody solve
I would to know what is the contact number of CID i want to ask the exact address of their office to submit police clearance
yes tallg, you should put that in your resume for reference.LOL
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Thanks mila! Someone once told me I had Snuffleupagus eyes, but I'll also add CID eyes to my list of features.
//apologies for the obscure american children's television reference//
Hmmm looks like we have a bitter, disgruntled, nosey parker in our midst.
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
you hv CID eyes tallg. wink
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
hey sanel - are you mozillafirefox?
no need to call CID or go to police station...
just call me i will handle the case...ur identity will be secure dont worry...lolz
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
If the case is in trial court they can take a restraining order on you to stop leaving Qatar until the case is fully solved:(
Charan is right, if you complain on someone you need witness it till the end.
Syed Qadeer
How to protect your identity. You have to give witness in a Court of Law. If you withdraw later you will be procecuted instead.
NO wise QLers looked at it from this angle:)
then may be u drop ur complaint in a suggestion box and hope for the best :)
thanks! but i really want to protect my identity... thats why i dont want to be visible at the station.
No need to tell anything to anyone else Sanel. Go to Police station by Your self, You are in Qatar, here the cops are KinG. All the best.
no need for any contacts, just go to any police station near to ur house and lodge a complain.
The police over here will help you, Just have some Trust on them.
its really sumthing personal... and still have a second thoughts to make the complain, but there are pushing my limits. please send me the address
they will not publish the number and QTel will not give you.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Call 999.
Have A Great Day.....
i can give you the address but may i know what you complain about??
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.