some days back there was a discussion on this forum about the indian schools in doha.
i m not in a position to comment about other schools, but since i have just moved my 2 children out of DOHA MODERN INDIAN SCHOOL - abu hamoor ( Gems School ) to another indian school, i would like to warn all parents about admitting thier children here, specially to higher grades or classes.
DMIS only boasts about its ability, but in real it does nothing for the students. this year it sent its first batch for the SSC exams. but the school did not prepare the students (model paper) for the exams until both the prilims were answered, that too upon the insistance of the parents.
Other indian schools brought in some consultants from india before the prilims to prepare the students for the exams, but DMIS did not consider it important to do such a thing when they should have been the first ones to do so:
reason 1. it was their first batch to answer the exams
reason 2. they charge the highest fees compared to other indian schoos (3-4 times higher)
i asked the principal, what is it that they give me for the HUGE extra sum we pay per month and he had no answer. as far as the ASIP activity is concerned, they have stopped that too.
also when the principal was asked why he did not bring in the consultants, he replies, thats its no problem and that he himself is well qualified in this student consultancy and he will himself do the needful. this is the asnwer he gives to all parents on various aspects and problems. my child had problems in maths and i approached him, he said he is a professional maths teacher and he will take extra classes. he did, but in all total he gave only 2 hours, (1 hour each) extra classes for the entire term.... WHAT A JOKE.
fianlly i had to send my child for private tuitions and the kids marks improved 100%... that is, for the first and second term child scored around 40/100, for the third term score 80/100... for me thats a miraculous improvemnet. so it s not the childs disability... but the teachers inability.
when the school started 3 years back they promised that 80% teachers will be hired from india. today it stands the other way round. also the teachers they bring from india, leave them within a single term. i wonder why. also i bring to your attention, that the supervisor of the school was terminated and now it is the principals wife. so there will be no diversified opinion... whatever decision she makes, will be final.
i can go on and on and on.... but i dont want to bore you all... ( i m sure u already are)
ps. i hear they have increased their fees by 10% yet again, that is the second time in 4 months. good i withdrew my kids from that schoool.
One more school has started-
Bhavans school. Please share your opinion
Contact Email:
[email protected]
Contact Number:
4861348 / 6870194 / 5991420
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Hi Friend, are you looking for the best education for your kid by giving them the best resource????? You came to the right place.
I am a Professional Graduate - B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering and looking for an opportunity to give tuitions for pupils from PRE-K.G. to X for all subjects and only Maths, Physics & Chemistry for XI and XII standards.
Tuitions will be held at my house premises which is located in Madinath Khalifa (South), near Muroor, Opp. lane to Madinath Khalifa Health Center. i.e. 5 minutes from T.V. Round About and 10 minutes from Lulu Center.
I am having 4 years of experience in taking tuitions and 2 years as an employee.
Fee Structure and my Resume is sent on request.
For any queries regarding tuitions, feel free to mail me or call me from 8 a.m to 8 p.m
Thanks & Regards,
Mamatha Amand
Mr Indianstar
I was going thru one of your earlier topic on QL regarding schools. My problem is simiar to yours. My daughter is in 8th and younger one in 2nd. whcih one is good schools from acedamics point of view. Is it right that schools are not competent to prepare the children to prepare for competitive exams after 10th due to which most of parents send back their kids back to india for higher studies.
I agree with one of the postings on this website regarding parents moving their children from school to school hoping to find the best school. My son started in DPS in 2002. The problem I faced was that the teachers were insensitive. They only want to teach the children who are bright. They are extremely aggressive with children who are average and treat them in a manner by which the parent will move the child out of the school. They claim that they will go out of their way to teach children who need extra assistance but do nothing about it. If your child is above average, DPS is the school for your child - if not DMIS is a better bet. The principal and the supervisor are willing to listen to you - something that was lacking in DPS. They try to help and the teachers are sensitive to your needs. Probably due to the feedback from the parents, they have now introduced feedback sessions for the parents. All children are given an opportunity to develop their abilities- it is upto you to grab it. Both my kids are into sports, dramatics and I love it. I did not have this opportunity as a kid, although I studied in a prestigious "convent" school in India. I am not sure about BPS but the feedback from parents is good. Ideal and MES - again there are the people who say good and bad about these schools. I know people who studied in MES/Ideal who are now in senior positions in organisations within Qatar itself - so it cannot be that bad. It all boils down to what you want from your child's school. Do your homework and you will find the right school.
I wanted my children to be in a school where they would not be under horrendous pressure from the school to achieve, the number of students in a class would be less than 40, the child would have opportunity to explore his abilities in other activities and I think in most aspects, DMIS has met my goals.
There are issues and I have met the principal directly regarding the same. If I were to change a famous quote - Don't ask what your child's school can do for your child, ask what you can do for the school. Work with the school and you will get there.
I heard this recently that they have not undergone the compulsory inspection from the CBSE board for the higher classes, which is prerequisite for all the schools which are CBSE board. So how are they going to be starting the 10-11, I dont know.
We are only children once...but we can keep the child in us forever.
It is a fact in Qatar that parents shift their children from one school to another whenever they hear that there is something new in that school. It is something like changing fashions. I feel that parents , because they want the best for their children tend to change schools just on a whim.later when the new school does not meet the expectations , they are disappointed. The school authorities capitalize on the weaknesses of the parents- the ultimate winner in this situation is the school owners and the losers are the children.
I feel that the best and established school is MES for people with limited budgets and even for people who can afford their children studying in more expensive schools.
Problem is overcrowding and lack of personal attention.
DPS is recommended as a good school for those who can afford it and those parents who want their children to have an allround development.
BPS is good for academics and good and caring teachers- only problem is most of the teachers are from Kerala and are unable to communicate well in English.
I have no idea about DMIS except that they have day boarding and that it is a boon for parents who are working
Aunt Polly
As a matter of fact the standards have fallen in the past 5-10 yrs than it was some 15-20 yrs back.
You miss the dedicated staff.
I know many BPS parents who are very happy with the school. I also know a few DMIS parents with children in primary classes. They seem happy too !!! In fact all of them changed their kids from MES to these schools.
All said and done, I don't think you can judge schools on individual parents' opinions alone. Some may have a good experience and some otherwise. In general, the standards of Indian Schools are better than, say, 5 years ago, but still a long way to go...
I think DPS school is good for kids.... My daughter is in there and i dont have complaints... they are really good....
dmis is an awsome school roxx compare to other schools...other schools put too much pressure on b4 u comment on dmis think 10 times
i recommend parents to go and send their children to iis
tha best school in doha lol....
yell whooaaa yell
wat about MES, i am going to retire in 4 days . yahoooooooooo (i mean finish schooling)
Despite of their inefficiencies in teaching, they are very efficient in increasing the fee... They have done it again by 10%... Two times in the six months!!!
...You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...
when one goes for admission, initially the picture is very good, the promises and what they will do, but nothing happens, all the teachers are local, except for a handful, the infrastructure,
the swimming pool which is there for 3 years, but never in service. once they operated it, i heard, and some sewage water got mixed into the pool and the water was smelling. one or two students even fainted and were hospitalised. to cure this the school added more chlorine... this is not a joke, really ask any parent. then the muncipality came and told them to close the swimming pool
by saying gems school, i dont mean all gems schools are bad, i dont know abt the others, but this one DMIS is not worth for the fees they charge. on the prospectus they have something saying that their core values are "leadership qualities", when they say that, i expect atleast one subject a week on leadership qualities.... in the whole year there was none. and when i brouhgt this to the notice of the principal, he conducted a 2 hour camp somewhere in january or february 2008, on leadership and brought in one local indian manager/parent of one student to conduct the camp.
wht i cannot digest is how can one school have a principal and his wife as the supervisor... can someone explain this..
as hhrods said and also many others. the school is full of promises, it has no clues how to fulfil, no wonder more than 40 students have left the school.
Santinikethan is not a good choice as well..
I changed my son from DMIS to DPS-MIS.... My son was in the first batch of KG II, I was not at all happy with the school, everybody told me that maybe because its the first year, they will improve in coming years...but i didnt want to take a chance. I am very happy with DPS now. I recommend DPS for all Indian Students...even many Pakistani students studying with my son. Quality of education is much better than other Indian schools in Doha.
Can anyone tell me your opinion about the Santhi Nikethan Indian school ?
i too hav moved my 3 sons from DMIS to MES.
the sole reason being that i was promised much, but the school did not live up to its expectations. and now when i requested for the TC they told me that i have dues of lunch fees / catering fees of 2006....... boy i m telling u of 2006
i had to give in and pay the fees, QR 450 each for 3 sons. all because they refused to give me the report cards and the TC which i had to provide to the other school
i have heard that over 40 senior students have moved out from the school. and i m not exaxerating. more than 40 students.... this is what one of the staff has told me.
the parents i have talked to, all say the same thing. they had much bigger expectations from the school.
my son ( IX std ) is a professional swimmer, he even competed at the national levels in chennai 2007. and the school takes the credit. when their swimming pool is not even in service. i did all the coaching. the school told me to pay QR 20 and they will take him to another swimming pool for one hour. ha ha makes me laugh
my second son (VII std) is brilliant in academics, PRAISE THE LORD, GLORY TO HIM, but what has the school done for him. nothing. the teachers there said to him " its a great loss for the school to miss a student like him " thats enough for me.
i put them in MES, only to get them out of DMIS. i have had enough.
.I fully agree with the post. Being one of the affected party , I myself have recently shifted my 3 children to DPS..
..You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...
It is high time the school is boycotted by parents .. since it does n't provide the quality of edcuation it promises ... what i know is that it signs bonds from parents that they can change the school fee when ever they wish to and do that every year without fail.
When it comes to their duty, it is completly a different story, to sum it up they really don't care.
The staff turnover ( the teaching staff) is something which i think is one of the major issues there.
We are moving to doha. Got a son in his 5th std british curriculum. we would liek to shift him to CBSE to his 6th std. Which is the best school in terms of coaching??? Pls adv.
He will be missing couple of months of his academic year, is there any good private tution sentres wher he can get help during July august vacation??
Highly appreciate
is dmis the same as gems indian school?Lucky Charm
indian star.. saw ur posting. moving in from dubai and want to admit my daughter for grade 4 under cbse stream. what school would u recommend ? we have faced almost the similar kind of problems that u have faced, but here at Dubai. My kid was in Millenium (sister branch of Doha modern) and the total portion taught through out the year is hardly anything. Her maths basic comprehnsion is very bad(and she is a v bright student) and so is english. would not want to repeat the same mistake there again. Kindly give a feed back .where have u put ur children now? ..thanks
thankyou for sharing this, i though it was the best indian school?