Grade 8 Salary and allowance guidance at QA

Dear Members,
I have applied for grade 8 position with Qatar Airways and need your guidance on the salary to be quoted.
Family members:
1.Wife,me and a toddler
Can you help to assist on what is the basic, Housing allowance, transportation paid at grade 8 level. Education will be paid once the child turns 4 year old.I understand benefits and allowance varies based on grade level and hence need more information around this.
Most of the time it depends on nationality, but on average the package is QAR20000+. For housing and school, transportation you can get the idea from some qatari sites ,Again everything depends on how you want the life here.
I agree with you. However, during initial discuss, HR is going to ask about the expected salary and hence looking for the details.
Are you not being a bit too fast since you have just applied? Suggest, you be a bit patient and ask these question during your interview at Qatar Airways.