Valid Entry Permit but Passport Expiring in 23 days
Hi everyone,
My child (Brazillian Citizen) has a valid entry permit till 30th March 2021 and her Passport is expiring on 31st March 2021 (23 days) from today onward. Can someone help me with the question that whether she can travel with this passport back to Qatar from Brazil?
Her QID was expired on 30th Jan 2021 , however the ministry issued her entry permit so as i know QID will not make an issue, however the passport with 23 days validity is okay to travel back to Qatar?
I will appreciate some one valuable input.
Best Regards
Hi, her passport must be renewed and even if the re-entry permit shows her old passport number, there will be no issues. . just bring both passports. That's what I did when I returned back to Qatar.
It is important, get her PP renewed in 24 hrs by paying emergency fees, she is welcome here ...
Never live in a world world ...... Get the job done from the concerned office immediately ..... It is possible .... Good luck ....
Yes, it is okay for her to travel. You can check this out with travel agents also.
A passport must be valid for at least six months if a person applies for a new visa or an extension of the Resident Permit if he/she is residing in Qatar.