Suggest smart methods to rectify Embarqmail email login issue

Embarqmail is one of the most admirable simplified and efficient emailing services. It is extensively used by millions of users on a daily basis. This email application is totally different from other email services. It has many amazing and unique features, hence it is used in various applications. It has many unique functions, hence almost all business people use it for the best emailing purposes. I am also using the Embarqmail email service for communicating with my potential customers. I have good knowledge of using it, so I am pleased with my email account. But from the last day, when I try to access my Embarqmail email account, I am failing to log in to my Embarqmail email account. I am typing the correct login credentials to my Embarqmail email account, even though I am facing the Embarqmail email login issue. I have to send an important email to my client, so I have to work on my Embarqmail email account. It is a very problematic situation for me, hence I am very frustrated. Before solving it, I try to find out the main causes of this problem. I have a solid technical background, even I am getting problems to solve it simply. As per my technical expertise, I am passing through the Embarqmail email login issue. So anyone can assist me to resolve the Embarqmail email login issue as soon as possible.
Ha! Ha!
First, you appreciate and sing the good qualities of this "embarqmail". Then you change the tune and go on to criticizing this system. You then speak of problems you are facing when you are using "embarqmail" and ask for assistance,
I believe there is something seriously wrong with you.