Qatar weather skin problems

Is anyone else really struggling with this heat?
This is my second year in Qatar and I guess I'm still new to the summers, but my skin is really suffering. I've had such bad acne from the sweating! Oh and these face masks dont help matter either!
Any advice on how to protect my face better? Ladies are you having the same issues as me? What's your routine?
I would recommend products with tea tree oil. I found I started breaking out on my chin and jawline from wearing the masks. I make sure to wash my face after returning from grocery shopping, I have been using a face wash with tea tree oil and it has definitely helped.
There are multiple products for acne in pharmacies. But if you prefer natural alternatives, baking soda is fabulous due to its antibacterial properties!
Just create a paste by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of water and apply it on your acne after previously cleaning your face with a facewash. Leave it for two minutes and then rinse. Always moisturise your skin with a moisturiser that does not clog your pores.
Repeat every few days, and the results will start to show.