Visa cancellation by Employer

By Vickie Bah •
Dear Qler,
I resigned from my company in June due some personal reasons.I worked with the company 3 yrs. I served my 2 months notice as per agreement in the contract which ended in August. Am still looking for a job but my company have given me up till 2nd October if I don't transfer to another company they will cancel my visa. Is there any fixed time by law to transfer to the next employer after resignation? bearing in mind am still looking for a job?
I will appreciate your inputs
You are lucky your company has given you an opportunity to search for a job. Many companies simply don't. As such, it is totally up to the company to allow you to stay further or send you home on 2/10. No one can help you out on this. Just try to be nice and plead them for extra time say a month and hope for the best.