Visa transfer before getting ID

Hello guys, is it possible to change sponsorship before applying for Qatar ID.
My friend got a job in a company in Qatar, but this company doesn't have visa. So they requested him to arrange visa through some other employer and once he arrives in Qatar, before making the ID, he has to make sponsorship change. So by this way the company which hired him can make the ID for him under there sponsorship.
Guys please provide your valuable comments. Thank you all.
I just wanna know if it's applicable now for Indian Visa, as now, all the procedures like medical and finger print are getting done from India itself.
I will explain in professional way:
Case i:
Your friend coming in another company and visa...within three months he can transfer to another company...but other company should have visa..and you should obtain NOC...but other company dont have you cannot do this..
Case ii
Your friend coming in another company and visa...he immediately issue Qatar Id...he cannot change company for 1 year....after 1 year he can transfer to other company............................
This is madness...You cannot do this way...I will explain this ...This situation is like a Monkey jumping on to trees...
Your friend is the Monkey and the Visa is the Tree......To jump from one Tree to another to Jump from One Visa to another Visa...the other company should have Visa
Yes within 3 months he can Change but make sure the company give NOC