The Tragedy Continues...
This is a genuine story of a girl whose life changed within minutes. The girl had a very happy life living with her family when a terrorist organization overran her city Benghazi, Libya after the collapse of the Ghaddafi regime in 2011. According to her, the demand of the terrorists was “join us or get killed.” Her parents refused to join. Her entire family was wiped out and her house burned down. She was not at home then. She was taken care of (possibly) by United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and brought to a camp in a central African country where she now lives and leads a miserable life, earning a meagre income doing house-jobs on a daily basis.
I came across this girl through the internet and through regular correspondence have developed a friendship. I have so far succeeded in stopping her from committing suicide. I try to keep her cheered up and show her the light at the end of the tunnel. I really want to change her life once again for the better and am working towards that goal.
Recently, the girl contacted Malaria. I guess the camp has no facility for providing medical assistance, and since she is on a Refugee status (a non-resident), she is not entitled to any free medical facility from the government hospitals or free medical clinics. She is in need of urgent financial support to buy herself medicines. She has run out of the money I had sent her. She needs just US$ 100 from any person with a kind human heart and feelings and whom God has blessed with an income from which he/she can spare this small amount. If there is such a kind human being present, he/she can PM me and I will provide the details where to send the cash through Western Union. If any person donates an amount above what she needs now, it will just help her to buy a mosquito net and possibly have a good meal or two. I am also trying to put up the cash to enable her to buy a laptop in her country through which she could get to do some online work and earn from her place of residence.
I have already contacted some charitable organizations and sought help for this girl. I wrote to Global Giving Support in the USA and to GoFundMe and also to International Red Cross and Red Crescent (IRCRC) in Switzerland. Global Giving Support does not help out giving financial assistance but I understand they just collect donations. They wrote back clarifying their position. GoFundMe works only in some European countries and in the United Sates. IRCRC did not reply to my request. I tried contacting Qatar Charity but my email did not go through. My efforts have so far yielded zero results.
Please, this is not a fraud or an easy money-making system that goes around over the internet. If you can assist the girl in anyway, please PM me for details. Otherwise, just say a prayer and ask God to take care of her during these very difficult days of her life.
The amount may appear meagre to many, but it may just help save a human life.
pioneerpec: Thanks, but I had already contacted Go Fund Me in the US and they regretted stating they do not assist in such cases. I have mentioned this in my post.
Go Fund me Headquarters:
Redwood City, California, United States...