Compound Housing to Avoid

We have been living in Al Doha Gardens (Zone 55, just off Sports City Rd.) for 2 years now. The first 6 months there was a hot water leak that maintenance could not pin down. It cost us over $2,000 USD in electric and water usage bills. The owner of the compound never paid a share of this after many attempts of asking. Many people have moved out of this compound for one reason or another. There seems to be a lack of upkeep to the villas here. We have had to call maintenance several times for AC units not operating, windows/ceiling leaking when it rains, etc.
Not sure if other compound housing areas operate the same and would be very interested in hearing other's experiences. We would like to find a better place.
Thanks for the response. We are looking for elsewhere to live.
No, it is not that way at all in other villas.
It appears you were unlucky in choosing the wrong compound. I have lived in a compound where all maintenance work is carried out by the compound owners. There is always a professional team of maintenance people present readily available on call. They also go about carrying out pest control once in a while. Some of my fiends live in other compounds and they have never complained about the service being provided to them, Suggest, you switch your place of accommodation, and enjoy the peace of a home life rather than spend time and money running around getting maintenance work done at your place of residence.