Badminton Group - Ladies
Hi! Is there any ladies' badminton group here? I love to play badminton but have no one to play it with. I am not a pro, but I am not bad either, so I guess I can join teams who meat regularly to play and compete. And please also suggest affordable badminton courts near Mansoura or Najma.
Many thanks! :)
Doha Ladies Badminton Group
Doha Ladies Badminton Group
Doha Ladies Badminton Group
Hi. I have organized a ladies' badminton group. Join us here !
Hi. I have organized a ladies' badminton group. Join us here !
Hi. I have organized a ladies' badminton group. Join us here !
I am interested to join as well but afraid .......... ......... ..............
Ella is right, no need to rush for ...... just a game ...... ......
Ella, At some other forum Accha will be telling '' Don't believe Ella ''.
No body knows the purpose of Accha to come here on this site and spoil the things everywhere .............. He has free time for spoiling a good conversation .......... .......
Haha! I still hope that he will send me concrete information :)
Don't believe MM.
Ella, oh .... We had before not now ....... I wish to join as well ....... Will ask my other colleagues to help you , yea ...........