Cats in the hood

Time of the year when we get out blankets, heaters, warm fuzzy socks and jackets out (not too heavy we’re in Qatar not Alaska) and drink extra dose of karak to warm ourselves up. Many of us like to stay warm at night because it gets chillier in the night time. As we try to keep ourselves warm, cats on streets do the same. Many cats like to hide in unseen places to warm themselves. Here are some of the potential places cats may hide in. Let’s try helping doing small tasks to ensure their wellbeing.
Cats under the hood:
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Some cats like to climb up from the bottom of vehicles to get to the engine where it’s warm. Before getting into your vehicle, just gently knock on the hood to make sure nobody is in there. If you hear a meow just open you front hood to get them out to safety.
Make a home:
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Some cats like to hide in places such as between bushes around your homes or if not in vehicles, under them. Just be careful when passing by bushes whether by foot or in cars, you may scare them.
Some cats like wandering around your residence, so leave a box with a blanket inside for them to sleep in and warm themselves at night. Beside it, leave bowls and fill one with water as many times as you can and the other with food. Let’s make sure our furry friends stay warm, hydrated and fed.
Find them a home:
For whatever reason, you are unable to care for the cats around your residence, you can find them another home just make sure if there’s a mother with kittens, take all of them in a pack. One approach could be calling the rescue homes for animals in Qatar and ask if they would be willing to take these stray cats in and care for them.
Social media is a powerful source for all of us, we use it to obtain knowledge and communicate with the world at our fingertips, you can use your social media platforms to post pictures of cats which come near your home frequently and ask if anyone would be willing to take them in as pets and care for them.
Part of being human beings should be caring for one another, but to also care for other living beings on our planet, such as animals and plants. Let’s try our best to be gentle and do the best we can using our facilities, resources and capabilities to care for them. These small actions can save an animal’s life and it doesn’t take much of our time or resources.
Many of us are not animal people who like animals as pets and that’s perfectly fine, but as a humanitarian act, it’s good to keep them in mind and help them as much as we can by doing these little actions. Spread the word and let’s make this world a better place for humans, animals and plants.
What other methods can you come up with to help cats in the winter? Let us know in the comments below.
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Instead of insulting people, be constructive and recommend a solution to this growing pest problem.
@punch liner
The only pest here is you
Not really.
Read carefully, I'm sure you'll get it eventually. Try harder.
I'm pretty sure you mean pesticide that will exterminate you!!
As posted earlier, I'm referring to STRAY CATS that are a health hazard and nuisance to the residents in the hood.
Either Baladiya should address this pest issue or residents have to take matter in their own hands.
Correct me if I understood you right.but you addressing cats as a pests???if so I think the only post is you .
how to eradicate stray cats in the hood?
Is there any pesticide or technique to exterminate these pests?