NEED URGENT HELP !!! friend Housemaid in trouble

Hi Friends,
A friend of mine from Indonesia working as a House Maid in Qatar is in big trouble. A manpower company brought her and for last 6 months, she hasn't paid a penny. They are torturing her a lot. Last 3 days she living without food.
This company bring housemaids and lend them on a short-term basis. In one house where she was sent to work the man tried to rape her. she called her company and started crying then later company bring her back to the room. The company is telling they don't care. She called me told me about her ordeal and she was continuously crying asking for help, even I can't do anything. She can't get out of the room as it is locked. I don't know what to do, now her phone is also not active. She was talking about suicide I am worried about her. Please, its kind request, please help her she wants to go home. Tell me anyway so that I can help her. I tried to call Indonesia embassy they are not responding, now I have sent email to Indonesia Embassy let hope for the best.
Friends, please pray for her, Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
WPS, is supposed to make sure people get their salaries on time. But there are so may not getting salaries for 2, 3, 4 even more months.
Maids being raped, in which country does it not happen?
Here, even though changes have taken place in sponsorship rules, it still is the sponsors domain.
Ayaz, if you are in your home country and the agency is likewise, you can take them to police and help your friend.
If you are in Qatar, go to the police and take their assistance or sit at your embassy.
This is just my take, if people out of desperation take up jobs with questionable reputation agencies, or pay under the table to get a job, it is their fault. Most companies are accountable to the embassy.
Who gives them the licence to open employment agencies?
Either in this Lady's case or the one from the other post, who has not mentioned nationality.
We should not expect NHRC to dream up solutions, I am not saying people should not go to them for help, but do your due diligence before taking up employment.
Also, such cases are not new. With all the media hype, do you really believe there is no crime in Qatar. There are no problems??? Sorry, I seem to be rambling. Let me stop here.
This is the second such post appearing within a week at Qatar Living depicting the plight of employees at some companies where the management treats workers worse than slaves. The situation is all the more sorrowful as both cases reported at QL within the week relate to the weaker sex. The earlier post was from a woman who was contemplating on committing suicide. Her post clearly reflected the state of desperation she was in.
It is true the authorities in Qatar are doing an excellent job in keeping crime in the country to a very low level. Every now and then we get to read about the achievements of such alert teams of people who stay awake so that the residents of the country can sleep well.
However, what about such "white collar" crimes and criminals. The authorities should look into such matters whenever they hear of them, carry out an enquiry, and if the complaints are genuine, take action against these unscrupulous people to stop them from the dirty games they play. If such steps get taken and the culprits are punished, these too should be published so that it sends a clear message to others who believe they can carry on with such immoral and shameful activities in Qatar with no fear of reprisals or punishment.
Is there any such organization here where a simple phone call or an email will get the ball rolling and also get such employees the justice and protection they are yearning for? One could suggest the name of National Human Rights Committee, but there are situations as the posts that have appeared at QL over the past several days that indicate where an employee is unable to reach them. This gives the crooks an upper hand making them feel as victors.
As a suggestion, National Human Rights Committee could call the ladies in the two cases that have come up at QL, and then help them out. That would indeed be great of NHRC if they do so. NHRC should not keep their eyes shut over such incidents whenever they get reported over the social media such as QL. They have the powers to put things in order and they should come to the aid of people in such distressful situations which force an employee to think of suicide as the only remaining option to get out of the rigid controls of such employers.
A step in this direction from the authorities would have a great impact and make workers enjoy staying here. They would then take back home excellent memories of Qatar, whenever they return.