Whether we can change profession before issuing id?

Basically iam a mechanical engineer and got a job in qatar. But the problem is the company is providing me a visa with profession as typist.
I enquired company about my profession and they told me that they can change my profession to mechanical engineer at the time of issuing ID which is to be taken within 3 months from the date of entry.
Is it possible to change the proffession while taking ID????
Please help.
Thanks for the valuable information....I attested all my educational certificates from both embassies and from qatar chamber..... Thanks once again..
Yes, it can be done but for that you will need to present your original certificates attested by the relevant authorities in your country and also by the relevant authorities in Qatar. For further information and guidance on this you may contact Sheen Services who are in this line of work. You can get their contact numbers through Google. You can also get help from your company's PRO or the HR people.