Pakistan: Is GAMCA medical test required in Qatar before arrival on work visa?

Hi, I am from Pakistan and they asked me to get GAMCA test before I can leave for Qatar. Is it really used in Qatar as I will again have to go through medical to get rp here in Qatar.
Thank you guys for answers.It is not required by Qatar but Yes, it is mandatory because Pakistan requires the protector stamp on passport which needs police verification, GAMCA medical test, State Life insurance and a deposit in OPF Welfare Fund.
Many people told me that the medical is useless in Qatar so I tried my best to avoid it but had to go through it. I must say the protector office are doing good to make sure ppl are fit for the required job before they avail visa.
Which tests are included in resident visa medical for Qatar?
how we can avoid medical, protector and bla bla from pakistan to travel to qatar ?
Hi, since youve already reached there
I wanted to ask a few things!
Will gamca test be exactly same as medical test in doha with same strictness?
I have hep- B which is acute and will go in 6 months, but according to gamca it will always show in my histrory and would get rejected.
In doha, do they check for hepatitis B if the position and visa is for banker and related finance feilds?
If they get a positive hep-b, what would be the next step? Straight away deport or would they give sometime or be lenient about it
Accha, It is ONLY YOU who is here, often to discourage me. Please allow some space to the poor souls for the Allah's sake. Wish you joys !
Molten: Ha! Ha! So you don't know your own nationality? This one is the best from you this year so far. There are still several months to go. I am sure you will make them enjoyable through your "comments!"
Accha, May be ...... ! May not be ....... !
GAMCA medical test done so that if that test fails, no need of spending money on ticket and Visa . The person will be rejected straight away in Qatar.
But actual medical test will be in Qatar
Molten: Are you from Pakistan?
Waqas, Get GAMCA test done.
if u r travelling directly from pakistan to qatar u have to do many things in pakistan.including medical test.police certificate and then protector stamp on ur pasport..they will not let u travel without protector if you are coming of work visa
There's no medical test to be conducted prior to travel Qatar, medical test will be conducted once you entered in Qatar for rp process..