Puzzle 12

Four people were competing in the chess and carroms competitions.
A beat B in chess, C came third and the 16 year old won.
A came second in carroms , the 15 year old won, C beat the 18 year old and the 19 year old came third.
D is 3 years younger than B.
The person who came last in chess, came third in carroms and only one person got the same position in both games.
Can you determine the ages of the people and their positions in the two games?
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Solitaire Online
Krunkerio Game
Tetris Online
Ages - A = 18 Years
B = 19 Years
C = 15 Years
D = 16 Years
Game Standings:
1st - D = 16 Years
2nd A = 18 Years
3rd C = 15 Years
4th B = 19 Years
1st - C = 15 Years
2nd - A = 18 Years
3rd - B = 19 Years
4th - D = 16 Years