What Items to bring from London to Doha (except food)?

What items are bigger, better and cheaper in London as compared to Doha which I should bring from London to Doha except for any food items. I am looking for a variety of answers. It will help me in bringing items which are cheaper to buy in London, so members, your help will be appreciated by so many other potential movers from London to Doha.
ROFL, Accha you have robbed 'actually' the credit of accepting a job by Zee !!!
Hey Molten, agreed, But why do you say there are very less genuine members here? I found a very informative response on my first post when I was considering to accept an offer, so I feel I should understand your perspective in this regard.
Frazzles. Lots of frazzles and oxtail soup
ZeeJay: It appears that after my earlier comments on your post, you have decided to join PwC. As for your query, I guess you will find almost everything in Doha at possibly even better prices than in the UK. As such, just walk into the city with just your essentials in your bag, your laptop and your mobile phone.
No body else would answer your query, we are very less genuine members here, if you ask me.
Doha never asks for a thing, Doha always gives out. Just your sincere efforts at work & honesty, that is all we need here, if you ask me.