quick tips for buying a car in Qatar

Do not buy American Imports:
most US imports are accidented/ written off cars which are brought here, repaired and sold. Easiest wayto check is that their speedometer is in Miles not kilometers. you can also do VIN number search online for any usa history of the car.
Check on Metrash:
if a car had an accident in qatar which resulted in police report, you can find it by putting chassis number or VIN in metrash app. Remember if the accident was minor where no police report was required it will not show on metrash
Get the Car inspected:
german car checking services on salwa road are good, they may try and charge extra to you , always negotiate price and if not happy try another one. they will tell you chassis damage and paint jobs
Do not buy a car with chassis damage:
Always check car service history with the dealer:
this will tell you a lot about the car.
Be ready to walk away from deal:
if your insticnts tell you somethings dont add up, trust them, they are right. people reverse car meters and sell cars which might have 200,000 km as 30k Km. so if the car looks over used, it probably is.
Drive the car for a 15-30 minutes drive atleast:
Beware of someone who invites you to view the car away from his home and office:
people sell cars showing them in parking lots, beware of them.
Do a hard bargain:
remember people over price their cars so start low.
spot a liar:
if statments keep changing or seller gets irritated by your questions, simply put the phone down, he is almost certianly hiding things and lying.
Do Istikhara, you will not regret Inshallah: