4 Sure Signs That Your Air Conditioner is in Trouble

It’s the middle of summer here in Qatar, which means the sun in blazing hot, and you’re probably sweating after a five minute stroll outside. You quickly rush back to your apartment, but lo and behold! The air conditioner is sputtering!
Summer is when we all need A/Cs, and it’s also when A/Cs are most likely to be in trouble. Working throughout the day, trying to cool the boiling hot air outside, can take its toll on our dear air conditioners.
Here are some signs that your trusty summer companion is in trouble, and needs fixing immediately:
1. Poor Airflow
Have you ever waved your hand in front of the air conditioner, hoping for a cool breeze, and instead been greeted by lukewarm air, sputtering out softly? That is what happens when the A/C suffers from poor airflow.
This means the airconditioner’s compressor is about to fail, or the unit is almost clogged. It’s time to call for help!
2. Odd Noises and Sounds
Summer in Doha is the perfect time to sit at home, play some music, and wait for the sun to go down and the town to get cooler. But if your air conditioner is louder than your music, that’s not a good sign. When the air conditioner abandons its’ usual humming and is instead growling, purring, groaning or grunting, that means something inside isn’t working as it should. So what do you do about it?
The last thing you should do, is remain on your sofa, trying to ignore the sounds. Trying to hit the airconditioner on the side wont help either. Instead, call for a repairman. A timely call will save you loads of money, especially since you wont be overworking the A/C till it blows a fuse!
3. Leaking
These hot months make all of us wish for some rain. But water droplets falling from below your air conditioner’s panel doesn’t count! Such leakages are dangerous, whether they are because the air conditioner’s Freon component is leaking, (in which case it poses an extreme health hazard to your family), or else, the water leaks will cause a shortage within the A/C unit, that will probably fry the poor thing, or even you!
The moment you notice such leakages, don’t use the air conditioner. Suffer a little rise in temperature, and quickly call for help instead of procrastinating!
4. Poor Temperature
This is perhaps the most obvious of all symptoms. How many of us have sat in a room for a while, and noticed that we are sweating! It’s an infuriating situation, made all the worse when we twist the compressor knob until it breaks off in our hands!
But the good news is, this is a common enough occurance, which means that instead of fretting, or eyeing a brand new air conditioner, all you have to do is get it repaired at the right time.
Useful topic, thanks.