Anyone suffer hair fall?
Every time we shower we notice that my hair falls together with the water, I was alarmed since I'm not the only one who experienced this but also my hubby. I'm worried maybe it will really be a serious and continuous problem.
A little recommendation from anyone who had experience hair fall and their best remedies.
Agree with Fact .............
hi brit, filtered water you mentioned means using with shower filter? if then any idea about it? have u used same?
oh brit thank you I bought the shampoo from Quality hypermarket. hope my hairs don't fall now..
Avoid shampoo..There is no such thing called Quality Shampoo..its merely A low intensity Detergent to clean your scalp.
There is no real answer. rizks has tried everythig. The only partial solution is to use filtered water and quality shampoo
My personal experience and got benefit here in Doha
I am doing this since 5 years
- Washing Hairs with Bottle water.
- Using Lemon water to clean the scalp.(Avoided shampoo and soap fully)
- Before getting head wash - Make sure oil massage your scalp one night before and get wash next day.
Its a common issue in gulf, as the water we are using is desalinated it still may contain salt. The best way is to avoid use of shower instead use a bucket and Jug you will notice the difference and also avoid bathing with too hot water.
Do not change the shampoos frequently, they do more harm than good ......... you may try using bath soap for hair wash & compare ................ for 2 weeks ....................
Rub - for 3 minutes - a cut lemon { juice } on the scalp 1 hr before the weekly wash ........ ... No side effect but you will benefit from it ............
take Vitamin D tab OR go in Morning Sun daily at list for 20 mints-- In shaa Allah ur problem will get solve
take Vitamin D tab OR go on Morning Sun daily at list or 20 mints