WATCH: Applying for Qatari Citizenship

Did you know that expats can actually acquire Qatari citizenship? Here are the requirements!
Acquiring Qatari citizenship can be something of a minefield, but it’s always easier to maneuver if you know how to navigate your way through the various steps and rules.
The reasons gaining Qatari citizenship is such a complicated matter are many and multifaceted. Doha News reports that this is partly because the government seeks to prevent temporary migration, especially as a significant number of expats come to Qatar for a short or limited period before moving on to work in other countries. However, this is not always the case, with many expatriates of varying descent having been born and grown up within the country.
Unfortunately, gaining Qatari citizenship can be difficult even if you are of Qatari descent, albeit more so if your mother is Qatari and your father holds a foreign passport. According to law no. 38 of 2005 on the acquisition of Qatari Citizenship, if you are not of Qatari descent, lawfully continued residence within Qatar for no less than 20 years before application is necessary. This period is shorter for Arab nationals, for whom the period is only of 15 years.
Good knowledge of Arabic and a sound record and reputation are also central factors in determining eligibility. According to Reuters, interestingly, the rules are more relaxed with athletes, who are granted citizenship in spite of their foreignness so they may play on national teams. Dual citizenship is not recognised in Qatar, so they must give up the passports of their home countries to make the cut.
A good standard of living is also considered an important clause, though this tends to bar the large population of laborers from gaining citizenship, regardless of how well they meet the other criteria (Gulf News).
PC: visainfodesk.com
where do you get the application form
Just one side of the picture...
The article is useless. We know the rules, but if you actually go to apply, you're not even able to get an application. Even if you manage, it will be in the trash :)
Article is a good read and good to know, but it also states how difficult it is to get one. I feel it would be harder to let go of your home country, and at the end, become a visitor/foreigner to your own country.
Strange article
the whole articleis just too good to be true . Lot of Qataris are holding other better countries passport . so why not dropping the better passports for Qatar since dual citizenship is not allowed . Secondly the sports men and women given passport to are just for ceremonial purpose they can't even take it out of qatar personally without going on official events so they are not citizen they are just hired for sports purpose
the question should be, where to apply for it and if applied for it, what is the guarantee that our documents won't be thrown in trash?