need advice please

hi good day.. i am working here in qatar 2 years and 2 months i finish my 2 years last NOV 2016. i did not resign from my company my QID and VISA on my passport will expired same day as my 2 years my copany ask me if i will continue my work i i said yes. they renew my QID but i didnot sing any new contract with them . is my contract fixed term or open ended, i dont have a copy of my contract they did not give me a copy when i sign it the day of my joining date with them. please advise me thank you
thank you for all your reply.. i signed contract when i 1st got here in qatar ist my first time so when i ask a copy they said their are not giving copy of contract. so i let it go.. now when the new law comes i wanted to resign and to transfer new company. but i dont know is my contract is fix or open ended... if fix term they will need to make me signed a new one when my contract already finish 2 years right? i dont want to report them because i know that in the end its my lost so i only one is the best way or the choice if how can i change job. please advice thank you all..
There must be three copies of a labor contract: 1 for the employer, 1 for the employee, and 1 for the Ministry of Labor. Everything else is against the Labor Law. But: nobody cares, I guess.
The contract is an important document and is totally different from the QID. A legalized contract makes it mandatory for both the employer and the employee to stick to the terms of the contract. It also makes it obligatory for the employer to pay End of Service benefits to the employee as per the laws of the country. By not giving a copy, the employer possibly has dirty intentions in mind. You can report the matter to the Human Rights Committee or the Labour Court and they will help you out. But keep mind by doing so, the employer may retaliate by sending you home after cancelling your visa which will act as a lesson to other employees in the company.
LL: Thanks for the clarification - I was under the impression that the contract had to be signed by both parties for it to be valid
Brit - Not correct. He has a renewed QID which makes it legal.
The only way to find out is to request the HR for a copy of your contract. It is against the law for you to work without a signed copy of the contract