Any jobs going in Thiruvananthapuram

Just read an article on cities with the “Highest cost of living” ..
Apparently , Hamilton in Bermuda is the most expensive and Thiruvananthapuram in India one of the lowest..
It seems that Zafirah and I can have a meal there for around 16.00 QR compared to 200.00 QR in Doha
Link :
So, anyone know how to get a visa to get there ? Can you recommend some recruitment agencies .. Do they require an NOC ?
Most importantly, do you worry about the cost of living when looking for work ?
Brit, let me know when I will pack my things!
Be sure that Rizks will be there to help us get a working visa and set up our new coffee shop - it will be called Thiruvananthapuram cafe!
Welcome to Thiruvananthapuram :)
Just got a message from Rizks .. He knows a Mr Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta from the ministry , who may help with a work visa ..... Any idea of the costs and how long it takes ?
There isn't enough jobs for 10% of the citizens here..I think getting a job is virtually impossible for a foreigner unless he puts up a business himself. And the place is very tricky for a setting a new business and you won't enjoy the kind of hospitality you receive there in Doha.
Muhammad Afnan : Will it be easy to convert the visa to a resident permit ? Will i have to undergo a medical ?
Getting a job in Kerala will be very very difficult because of the population density and literacy rate . The cost of living is cheap according to international standards and road transportation is worst compared to most of the countries. As for the work visa, I don't know , The State's income is mainly form its tourism industry, most people visit Kerala for spending their vacation.
Brit, Even a parrot gets enough fruit to eat daily, your worries are unfounded ........ ........ you will survive where ever you go my pal .......... ........ .........
Can I get a visa on arrival ? If so, is it possible to renew without leaving the country as long as I can prove that I have eaten at the local hot spots ?
Accha, You will gain atleast 3 X 3 = 9 Kgs by Jan 16, 2018 ...... ........ ........ Your health would be even better & skin would glow as you are often in a joyful mood , my pal , long live my dear !! ......... ............... ..............
"Are there any groceries in the sea?" Ha! Ha! A very good question from the "philosopher". Next time I am out to sea, I will look around to see if any are present. This is going to be among the interesting posts for 2017, and the year has just begun.
Can't stop myself ROFL.
Why do humans worry for the work ? ........ Are there any groceries in the sea ? .......... Are there any farmers who would grow the dates there ? ........... How the fish & other creatures survive there ? .......... Brit, You move there your food requirements will be born the Almighty ........... ...... many foreigners just over stay ..... for the free-dom ...............
Since Kerala is the extended territory of gulf. You will require an NOC ;-)