Hair fall- permea plus anti sal shampoo is really works?

By factmachine •
I used to have thck hairs,The moment I reached doha,I lost of my hairs,Now soon I may become bald. I saw in some thread the possitive review about permea plus anti sal shampoo . Is any have has any experience about this product?
it seems the response I got from all are bald guys..Hope for the best
The two "philosophers" at QL would recommend you drink camels milk and eat dates for "3" weeks and see the results. I am not sure if that works.
I use ermea plus anti sal shampoo to maintain my blad head for years
I saw some special recommendation of Permea plus anti sal shampoo for mainly region like GCC. Is Any one has first hand experience of this product?
There is no real remedy for hair loss - ask Rizks , he's been searching for years