Need Advice: Job Offer thru Recruitment Agency

By Super Podstuuu •
Hi, Id like to know your opinion on this matter:
Position: Electrical Engineer (Supervisor)
Job Offer: 6500 with transpo allowance no accomodation
working hours: 10 hours
travel hours : 3hrs total (going work and back home)
Any opinion and advice will be appreciated. ty in advance..
It all depends on the role, company and qualifications.
From what you've written, the role sounds with a contractor who is sending people to work on site.
It also depends on what he's earning now. He should be looking to earn at least 50% more taking into account expenses also,
My personal pinion is that the salary / package is low.
zafrah: I guess your tea boy was trained somewhere in the West. The salary he is drawing along with the perks, is something many managers could not dream of here. Where is he from by the way? I am just somewhat curious.
dear Brit,
of course he'll be glad to serve it to you - while dancing... :) :) :) hahahaha! - sorry OT....
By the way the offer is for my husband. He doesn't have an experience yet there in Qatar. But has 5 years experience here in our country. Will it matter? How much salary should we negotiate? Thank you in advance.. =)
Apologies for the late response.. Thank you so much for all the advice and info. I'll keep everything in mind. =)
Dear zafirah .. Perhaps your teaboy could make a hot moccha double latte with extra milk and cocoa chips for us to share
dear Super, that is very low for an Engineer.
cost of living here is very high.
just for your info - our teaboy is getting 5,500 - inclusive of 2 hours OT pay (10 hours/day). free accommodation, free transportation, free lunch.
if possible don't go through agency.
While Rudi has explained thigs well, should you decide to pick up this job, you may find it somewhat difficult to approach the authorities here for the extra hours of work you will be putting in. The authorities here will no doubt help you get your overtime but the reality remains that your employer will hit back and send you home should you take that step.
If you are willing to live in shared accommodation it will cost you around QR 1400. You will be spending another 1000 for your food if you decide to eat out. Add another QR 750 for miscellaneous expenses. The rest could be in your pocket each month. It is now up to you to decide.
Lastly, I am very wary of Recruitment Agencies. They may offer you something back home but when you land here, terms of employment usually change and you may end up being a loser. Just be a bit careful.
Rudi has said it all .. the salary seems low for a supervisor.. plus the work timings are excessive and overtime should be paid
Only you can decide , because you know your circumstances.. but I would say no
The accommodation rental cost is major factor when talking about working and living in Qatar.
1small BHK will cost you the rental between qr3k to 5K. For 1bhk located at high end area such West Bay and Pearl Qatar will cost the whole of your salary, between 6k and 11k.
Share room is an option which you can hardly get between Qar600 to 2.5k if based on your offer. Your working hours, better refer to labour LAW or standards HR requirements. Good company they will not force you to work exceeding 48hours a week. So, if 10hours daily, working 6days a week, 60hours. By right the company should pay you overtime. Recruitment agencies should aware on this. And you can report to MOL, or relevant authority if your offers contradict with standard requirements. This is Just my personal comment. The best, seek legal and expert advise. Good luck.