Groom dumps wife of two hours because she shared pictures of wedding on Snapchat

A marriage broke down in just two hours because a wife started sharing pictures on Snapchat, it has been reported.
The Saudi bride and groom are said to have had a binding agreement not to share pictures over Snapchat of the ceremony.
But according to the bride’s brother the agreement was broken.
He told Okaz: ‘There was a prenuptial agreement between my sister and her fiancé that she would not use social-media applications such as Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter to post or send her pictures.
‘It was included in the marriage contract and became binding. Regretfully, my sister did not honour the pledge and used Snapchat to share pictures from the wedding ceremony with her female friends, resulting in the shocking decision by the groom to cancel their marriage and call for divorce.’
The bride’s family said that the agreement had been unfair while the groom’s relatives said he was within his rights to file for divorce. Even after two hours.
So, what do you think ? Was the groom right ? Afterall, there was an agreement
People of backward societies put these kind of conditions in the marriage contract.
She agreed to the contract - so poor thing has to suffer for her idiocy
A Contract is a Contract whether it is a Lease, Employment, Rental or one related to Marriage. Possibly, the groom must have thought if that was how the beginning of his marriage life had started, what would the rest be like with the wife having her own way during the journey of life as husband and wife? Something to think about!
We must learn to care for the other