VIDEO: QL Dines at Roger's Diner!

Burgers! Fajitas! Salads and more! Qatar Living checks out a sizzling menu of American favorites at Roger's Diner! Have you elevated your senses at Roger's Diner yet?
Check them out, Roger's Diner is participating in QL's and Urban Point's Burger Month promotion. What does this mean? For the month of September, you can get TWO amazing burgers for the price of ONE! Here’s how you can participate: simply download the Urban Point app to access exclusive “Buy 1 Burger, Get 1 Free” offers (also known as 2-for-1 offers), to some of the most respectable burger brands in Qatar, including Burger King, Johnny Rockets, Chili’s, Burger Gourmet, Roger’s Diner, Elevation Burger, Diner Station, Crepaway, Lord of the Wings, Urban Jazz Kitchen and Fouj Cafe. /span>
Where is this restaurant located?
For example.
It may be difficult to identify MM. Nobody knows if MM is a woman or a man or something in between. I'd say, coming in the restaurant and shouting out loud: "I am a sponsor!" might lighten up MM's eyes and thereby you can recognize him. But you've gotta be quick to catch the flash in MM's eyes when he hears his favorite word: sponsor!
I will be there on Thursday evening also. I have a life-long desire of seeing (not meeting) Molten Metal. My life would remain incomplete without getting to see this creation of God.
How do I get to recognize him? Any tips from anyone?
Most resto owners go out to a neighbouring joint for their breakfast ............ so that may be reason .......
Will be there on Thursday eve as a friend was asking to accompany her .................
Are burgers here nice? And is the patty local? I am not interested in USDA or Australian patty frozen and flown in from the other part of the world just to be able to put a USDA sticker on the burger. Anyone can enlighten us?
I better read about the promo and disclaimer - coz I did not received 2 burgers when I ordered at Rogers :D
Didn't see Roger .. Where was he ?